Melbourne Radiology Clinic
Ground Floor
Suite 3-6, 100 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne VIC 3002
Ph: 03 9667 1667
Fax: 03 9667 1666



What to Expect When Having a MRI – Video

Having A MRI Scan At Melbourne Radiology Clinic

MRI Patient Video.

This patient information video explains the process of having a MRI scan at Melbourne Radiology Clinic. This particular MRI is known as a Wide Bore Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanner.

Melbourne Radiology Clinic’s MRI scanner is the latest Siemens Espree MRI unit which has a wide bore that is 16% larger than conventional MRI units and is ideal for claustrophobic and large patients. Even non-claustrophobic patients, benefit from this technological advancement, as many people still experience some mild anxiety when scanned in a conventional smaller bore MRI unit.

Your Safety & Health.

Patient MRI Consent Form & Safety Questionnaire

A high field magnet, as used in MRI may have serious consequences in certain patients, and as such, we need you to answer some questions and also complete a questionnaire to thoroughly understand your overall health.

Patients with cardiac pacemakers and cochlear implants cannot undergo MRI scans. Other metallic implants may prohibit patients from having an MRI scan. This includes people with certain types of cerebral aneurysm clips, vascular stents, infusion pumps and neurostimulators.

At Melbourne Radiology Clinic, we care about your safety and your health, and aim to ensure the most appropriate imaging protocol is selected so your scans are performed safely and targeted to your clinical needs.