Melbourne Radiology Clinic
Ground Floor
Suite 3-6, 100 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne VIC 3002
Ph: 03 9667 1667
Fax: 03 9667 1666



MRI Series – Shoulder

MRI Gallery - Shoulder MRI - Musculoskeletal Imaging

MRI of the Shoulder.

MRI evaluation of the shoulder tendon allows for the assessment of the tendons surrounding the shoulder (known as the rotator cuff) as well as assess for trauma to the cartilage and labrum, the latter in cases of episodes of instability, such as following dislocation.

Shoulder instability

Shoulder injuries are common in athletes of all ages. Instability leading to dislocation (or near dislocation, known as subluxation) typically occurs in young people and is usually following a single traumatic episode, such as being tackled during a football game, or falling on an outstretched arm.

Identifying which structures are injured and quantifying the degree of injury is important as the athlete may be a candidate for surgical repair and this is most accurately done with MRI.

Figure 1-4. MRI imaging demonstrates changes in keeping with a recent episode of posterior instability (subluxation or dislocation) as demonstrated by a reverse Hill-Sach’s fracture (arrow) and posterior capsular tearing (arrowhead).

Assessment of supraspinatus tendon injuries

Figure 2A. Routine MRI of the shoulder demonstrates a normal supraspinatus tendon (arrow)

Figure 3A & 3B. MRI evaluation of the left shoulder demonstrates a focal full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon (arrow).

Figure 4A & 4B. MRI of the right shoulder demonstrates attritional thinning (arrow) with full thickness full width rupture of the supraspinatus tendon, that no longer is attached to the greater tuberosity (arrowhead)

Sports & Musculoskeletal Imaging

radiology referrals

Did you know…

That any referral for a scan is valid to use at Melbourne Radiology Clinic, even if it has been written on a referral form from another Radiology or Medical Imaging provider.

Musculoskeletal & Sports Imaging – Clinical Case Examples.